Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Warning, do not learn salsa from this guy

When I first saw this video I was thinking, ok this must be one of those salsa satire videos like Learn to Dance with Hernando!, but after a few minutes of watching his DVD 'trailer' I realize that this guy was serious!

Dance instructor Marlon Silva attempts to teach a bastardized version of On1 salsa and cumbia. My best guess would be that this guy made up most of the moves taught in his DVD. While I am a big fan of original content, their are expectations.

Before you run out and buy his DVD, here is my review based on the video trailer.

#1 Pattern - Turning your partner by the ankles.
This pattern looks like crap and could cause the follower to fall or the leader to get kicked in the head. Dance patterns should look and feel good, not awkward and dangerous.

#2 Pattern - Around the world leading from the follower's waist?
I would guess that this could be a leadable pattern, but you will look like a complete idiot and I will laugh at you repeatedly.

#3 Leading techniques - Recklessly jerking your partner around like a rag doll.
This is not shown too much in the video, but you if search for others videos by this guy you will see. Quick tip, dancing should be enjoyable not a fight for your life.

#4 Teaching salsa threesome - see above comments.
While I am big fan of salsa threesome, this guy fails miserably, surprised???

#5 Rebranding On1 style as European style.
On1/On2/whatever was started in the United States (New York and LA). Marlon do your homework, you already look like an idiot and now you sound like one.

#6 More Patterns! - The Conga
If I see you doing this move in public I will bitch slap you.

#7 'Useful' advise - "Go around your partner all the time it makes your dancing easier"
More crappy advice from this guy, how about taking lessons from a reputable Latin studio and stop insulting the salsa community with this garbage.

This guy is so bad that other reputable salsa sites have posted warnings not to buy this DVD, but after watching the trailer I would assume that would be a sufficient warning.

I fell really sad for his dance partner, she will never become a good social dancer if she follows his teaching methods.

Update for clarification:
In the first paragraph I listed two video links, this post is talking about the first link which is titled "video". If you are still confused on which link I am referring to then click here.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sex sells even for salsa!

As most of my readers know, a couple of months ago I started my own 'salsa practice'. Teaching group salsa lessons is a fun and rewarding activity, but if you do not have students willing to drop $10 to take a lesson from you then you are out of luck.

To build up your clientele you need to be a good instructor and you need to practice good marketing! Marketing salsa can be hard task due to it being a niche and utilizing mainstream advertising tactics can be a waste of time and money. During our research of marketing methods used by other salsa groups I came across this very attractive salsera who's image is pasted all over the a site called learnsalsa. As you can see in the image she is showing off her 'assets' giving visitors (primarily men) the impressions that if you learn salsa you will meet and dance with hot and sexy women. While their is some truth in this message this tactic reminds me of beer commercials where young 18 year old girls running on the beach in their two piece bathing suits.

So Marques are you against using sex to sell salsa? Course not! I just find it amusing. For the average joe looking to meet women this is a great tactic. As for the serious dancer looking to improve their skills, some will roll their eyes and continue searching for a salsa group that advertises themselves as serious professionals.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bella Independent Movie (2007)

Check out and support this independent film that will take the world like a storm. Winner of the 2007 Toronto Film Festival People's Choice Award, it will be released on major US cities on 27-Oct-2007. If you're tired of the same old Hollywood movies like me, you will love Bella.

The movie centers around Nina, a young, unmarried waitress at a Mexican restaurant who finds herself pregnant and without work after coming in late several days because of morning sickness. Jose, the restaurant's chef, is taken by Nina's plight and becomes her sole confidant. Jose helps her walk through her decision on what to do with her pregnancy. In the process, he bears secrets from his own mysterious...
