Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My First Salsa Competition!!!

A couple of weeks ago, IntoSalsa hosted their first annual salsa competition! Chimere and myself decided to complete. We were only given 3 weeks to put a routine together, but I felt that we did a good job during the finals. Below is the clip of our performance. You can also find our performance on YouTube. If you want to see all the performances (Chad and Karina a must see!!!) they are posted on IntoSalsa's video clips page. We placed third in the competition (hey it was some tough competition), but I am planning on creating a more refined routine for next time. I would like to encourage everyone to give dance competitions a try. It is not about winning, but about becoming a more confident and experience dancer. In my book everyone who completed in the prelims and the finals are all WINNERS!!! Next time there is a dance off in Indy I hope to see the original completing couples and a few new faces.